You’ve probably arrived at this website because you either need an abortion or you’re interested in helping increase abortion access. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Even though Roe v Wade has been overturned, we know that people have been having and providing abortions forever and this will continue whether the state “allows” it or not. We don’t need permission from the government to control our bodies, and we can depend on our communities to care for each other. Now is the time to get involved in solidifying alternatives and joining existing networks to ensure safe abortions for all, whether they are legal or not.

Abortion is healthcare, and it is incredibly common. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 24% of cis-women* in the USA will have an abortion before the age of 45. (*this research did not include other folks who can get pregnant, but of course we know that not only cis-women can get pregnant. hopeful that future research includes this! )

The legal landscape of this country is changing rapidly, and I cannot guarantee that all of this information will always be up to date. State laws will impact access and it can be hard to keep up with the changes.

About this site

This website is a work in progress. The goal here is to empower you to know what to do if you or a friend need to get an abortion. Info I’d like to add (with your help?): perspectives from healthcare providers, more information about the link(s) between abortion bans & racism, info/resources about herbal abortions, and more. I will also clean up/add to the Resources section and link the Instagram handles 🙂

I am not an expert, but I am speaking from the experience that I have accumulated over the past 16 years. I am excited to continue to learn & connect with others. Many thanks to Planned Parenthood of Western PA, ACCESS Reproductive JusticeFondo MARIANew Voices for Reproductive Justice, and Sistersong: Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective for teaching me so much over the years. I have specifically learned the most from Women of Color and Black women who have been working on these issues in an intersectional way for many years and created the term & movement for Reproductive Justice.

I have tried very hard to use gender inclusive language in this website & in my spoken words because anyone with a uterus can need an abortion. There is still lots of gendered language in the pro-choice/abortion access movement and some of the resources may have that. There is a real push to change this!

  • Questions/ concerns/ suggestions/ corrections/ want to scheme together? Please reach out: theautobodyshop @